The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

Notes for Newman S. Pine[slade.FTW]
The Pine family lived in the Town of Thompson of which Monticello is the county seat. Thompson was named for William Thompson who was the first judge of the county. In 1820, the population was 1,897 people. Many had dairy cows and sheep were raised for meat and wool. The Pleasnat View Lake House was an early summer resort and described as having a "splendid location." N.S. Pine was living just northeast of Pleasant Lake in the 1875 atlas and a school was located right near the lake. This body of water about one mile in length is also called Kiamesha Lake and is near the center of the north line of the Town of Thompson. Kiamesha is a Lenape word for clear water. At the old Hyde farm on the lake many Indian artifacts were found. In the Sullivan County Directory Newman S. Pine is listed as a farmer.
In 1850 Newman lives near Smith and Mary Pine his parents, as well as Gilbert Varnell and his wife Patience.
In the 1880 census, Newman is 63 years old and his wife Harriet is 53. Daughter Ida age 23, Nettie age 18, Hattie age 12, and Newman's brother Norman a 47 year old farm laborer, live in the household. Neighbors are William Tappan, and Newman's son George Pine and his wife Pollie.
Newman Pine's obituary from the Republican Watchman, Sullivan County newspaper reads:
"Mr. Newman S. Pine one of the older generation of our town died on Saturday evening last at the residence of his son in the city of Middletown. Last fall he was taken to Middletown for medical treatment and had so far improved, as was thought, that he contemplated returning to his home near Pleasant Lake. He had recived a slight stroke of paralysis last summer and shortly before his death was again stricken and passed painlessly away. His age was about 75 years. He was born and has always resided in the town. His wife who was a sister of Mr. P. Varnell of this village, died about two years ago. He leaves six children, viz: Mrs. J.J. Ryman residing at Des Moines Iowa, Misses Ida , Nellie, and Hattie at home, George W. Pine at Middletwon, and Archibald D. Pine residing at Atlantic, Iowa. He was buried in the Rock Ridge Cemetery on last Tuesday. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his funeral services were condusted by the Rev. Mr. Adams of that denomination."
Newman Pine headstone
Newman S. Pine


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