The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

                  +--Peter Lee  (-UNKNOWN)
               +--John Sr. Lee  (9 APR 1691-UNKNOWN)
               |  |        +--John Moger  (-1612)
               |  |     +--Nicholas Moger  (19 DEC 1596-UNKNOWN)
               |  |     |  +--Edeth Crosse  (-1619)
               |  |  +--Hugh Mosher  (-3 NOV 1713)
               |  |  |  +--Lydia UNKNOWN  (-UNKNOWN)
               |  +--Ann Mosher  (-UNKNOWN)
               |     |  +--Richard Maxson  (1602-1639)
               |     +--Rebecca Maxson  (-UNKNOWN)
               |        +--Rebecca UNKNOWN  (1604-1677)
            +--James Lee  (6 MAY 1723-MAY 1793)
            |  |                          +--Thomas de Greene  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |                       +--John de Greene  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |                       |  +--Ela Malorie  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |                    +--Robert Greene  (1490-UNKNOWN)
            |  |                    |  +--Mrs. de Greene  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |                 +--Robert Greene  (1534-UNKNOWN)
            |  |              +--John Greene  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |           +--Henry Greene  (-22 AUG 1578)
            |  |        +--Robert Greene  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |     +--John Sr. Greene  (15 AUG 1620-1695)
            |  |     |  +--Joan Tattersall  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |  +--John Clark Jr. Greene  (16 JUN 1651-UNKNOWN)
            |  |  |  +--Joan Beggarly  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  +--Jane Greene  (3 JAN 1690-UNKNOWN)
            |     |              +--Hugh Wardale  (-OCT 1541)
            |     |           +--Hugh Wardale  (-NOV 1585)
            |     |           |  +--Anna UNKNOWN  (-1592)
            |     |        +--John Wardale  (13 JUN 1562-15 SEP 1642)
            |     |        |  +--Isabel UNKNOWN  (12 JAN 1539-12 JAN 1588)
            |     |     +--William Wardale  (4 JAN 1606-APR 1670)
            |     |     |  |  +--William Marshall  (-UNKNOWN)
            |     |     |  +--Margaret Marshall  (14 DEC 1572-12 JUL 1642)
            |     |     |     +--Margaret Jackson  (-UNKNOWN)
            |     |  +--Uzal Wardwell  (7 APR 1639-25 OCT 1732)
            |     |  |  +--Alice Pyce  (-UNKNOWN)
            |     +--Abigail D. Wardwell  (27 OCT 1665-UNKNOWN)
            |        |     +--Robert Kinsman  (-26 JUL 1647)
            |        |  +--Robert Kinsman  (9 MAY 1607-28 JAN 1663)
            |        +--Mary Kinsman  (1641-JUN 1673)
            |           |              +--William Boreman  (-UNKNOWN)
            |           |           +--Thomas Boreman, Elder  (-9 DEC 1579)
            |           |        +--William Boreman  (-JAN 1612)
            |           |        |  +--Isabel UNKNOWN  (-UNKNOWN)
            |           |     +--Thomas Boreman  (-1627)
            |           |     |  +--Annis UNKNOWN  (1540-MAY 1608)
            |           |  +--Thomas Boreman  (18 OCT 1601-UNKNOWN)
            |           |  |  +--Elizabeth Carter  (-1627)
            |           +--Mary Boreman  (-19 FEB 1711)
            |              +--Margaret Offing  (-25 NOV 1679)
         +--Jonathan Sr. Lee  (-JUL 1799)
         |  +--Mary Ann Harrison  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Russell Lee  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Polly\Mary UNKNOWN  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--John M.(?Mitchell) Lee  (1820-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Lydia UNKNOWN  (8 OCT 1770-18 FEB 1846)
+--Henry C. Lee  (14 OCT 1845-8 MAY 1931)
|  |  +--Daniel Wilsey  (1800-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Alice Ellis, Eliza \Wilsey\\  (29 DEC 1824-21 JUL 1884)
|     |        +--Robert Wilson  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |     +--Thomas or James Wilson  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |  +--John Hill Wilson  (18 FEB 1760-UNKNOWN)
|     |  |  +--Jeanette (Thomas) UNKNOWN  (-13 DEC 1773)
|     +--Laura Wilson  (-UNKNOWN)
|        +--Abigail ?Leverett  (-UNKNOWN)
Albert Lee  (APR 1868-UNKNOWN)
+--Almirea Gunn  (-UNKNOWN)



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