The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

      +--Gustav Nimmick  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Reinhold Joseph Nimmick  (24 FEB 1875-26 DEC 1965)
   |  |  +-- Herk  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Lenora Herk  (-UNKNOWN)
+--August Nimmick  (19 AUG 1899-16 MAR 1938)
|  |  +--August Schuck  (21 SEP 1844-20 OCT 1908)
|  +--Anna Pauline Schuch  (4 DEC 1879-12 OCT 1960)
|     |     +--Friedrich Wilhelm Mildes  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |  +--Freidrich Leopold Mildes  (2 MAY 1809-UNKNOWN)
|     |  |  +--Hanna Carolina Mueller  (-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Ottilie Mildes  (1848-7 AUG 1910)
|        +--Karoline Yedicka  (1812-1860)
Elaine Nimmick  (Private-)
|     +--Joseph Kapaun  (1812-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Julius Kapaun  (2 DEC 1862-25 SEP 1931)
|  |  +--Rosa Springer  (1822-UNKNOWN)
+--Irene Kapaun  (9 OCT 1907-29 JUL 1991)
   |  +--Fredrick William Foogman  (4 OCT 1823-10 JUN 1895)
   +--Pauline Foogman  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Gustav Sussenguth  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Antoinette Rosalie Sussenguth  (6 MAR 1835-8 JUL 1917)



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