The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

      +--John Work Parks  (24 SEP 1870-27 APR 1945)
   +--Elliott Howard Parks  (19 AUG 1901-15 FEB 1966)
   |  |     +--James Harrison  (1809-16 AUG 1882)
   |  |  +--Absalom Harrison  (17 JUL 1841-4 FEB 1920)
   |  |  |  |  +--John Evans  (1777-28 MAR 1850)
   |  |  |  +--Susan Mary Evans  (1813-20 FEB 1878)
   |  |  |     +--Frances Hardesty  (1777-12 SEP 1864)
   |  +--Marian Isadore Harrison  (6 MAR 1870-20 MAY 1949)
   |     +--Hester Ann Kidd  (31 OCT 1842-15 JUL 1919)
+--Living Parks  (Private-)
|  +--Angela Collins  (27 DEC 1901-17 FEB 1981)
Living Parks  (Private-)
+--Living Lowry  (Private-)



Website created by Thomas Pine Petznick

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