The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

            +--William Francis Barnard  (31 JAN 1811-3 MAY 1865)
         +--Fredrick W Barnard  (22 OCT 1843-UNKNOWN)
         |  +--Elizabeth Walker  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Francis Wilder Barnard  (18 FEB 1864-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Anne H Bartlett  (25 APR 1847-UNKNOWN)
   +--Chester Albert Barnard  (24 DEC 1891-10 JUN 1970)
   |  |  +--Almon Sutton  (ABT 1820-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Ester May Sutton  (11 FEB 1866-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Jane Sutton  (ABT 1823-UNKNOWN)
+--Donald Keith Barnard  (Private-)
|  |     +--Daniel Bogenreiff  (ABT 1822-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Samuel C. Bogenrief  (26 FEB 1861-24 JUN 1921)
|  |  |  +--Margaret Bogenreiff  (ABT 1821-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Margaret May Bogenrief  (25 MAR 1890-29 OCT 1960)
|     +--Katharine Royer  (28 FEB 1862-6 JUL 1950)
Donald James Barnard  (Private-)
|        +--John Kowohl  (1840-1900)
|     +--Peter J Koval  (29 JUN 1861-20 FEB 1911)
|     |  +--Margaret Schoawirct  (1842-1905)
|  +--Michael J Koval  (27 SEP 1889-7 APR 1972)
|  |  |  +--Michael Rohn  (1835-1880)
|  |  +--Maria Ursula Rohn  (21 OCT 1861-9 APR 1942)
|  |     +--Christina Mathew  (1836-1885)
+--Leona Koval  (Private-)
   |     +--Josef Frances Kubitza  (23 MAR 1818-26 JUL 1896)
   |  +--Anton Kubitza  (11 OCT 1865-14 APR 1955)
   |  |  +--Franciska Wrobel  (26 MAY 1826-20 JUN 1904)
   +--Alvina Kubitza  (31 MAR 1898-4 JAN 1972)
      +--Elizabeth Lucas  (16 NOV 1872-18 JAN 1939)



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