The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

                     +--Patrick McKie  (-UNKNOWN)
                  +--John McKie  (-UNKNOWN)
                  |  +--Unknown Mrs. Patrick McKie  (-UNKNOWN)
               +--John McKie  (-UNKNOWN)
               |  |  +--Robert Heron  (-UNKNOWN)
               |  +--Margaret Heron  (-UNKNOWN)
               |     +--Unknown Mrs. Robert Heron  (-UNKNOWN)
            +--John McKie  (1694-1765)
            |  +--Ester Hawthorn  (-UNKNOWN)
         +--Robert McKee  (1732-16 OCT 1800)
         |  +--Jane Mackey  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Robert McKee  (1767-30 OCT 1830)
      |  +--Elizabeth Ferguson  (1740-15 MAR 1790)
   +--Bartholomew H. McKee  (10 APR 1799-NOV 1870)
   |  |        +--Jasper Cather  (1679-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     +--Robert Cather  (1709-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--Jasper Cather  (1740-30 JUL 1812)
   |  |  |  +--Joanna Thurloe  (1710-1740)
   |  +--Jane Cather  (12 NOV 1773-31 AUG 1853)
   |     +--Catherine Lawrence  (1750-1785)
+--James Wesley McKee  (23 APR 1840-21 DEC 1911)
|  |  +--John Evans  (1777-28 MAR 1850)
|  +--Elizabeth Ann Evans  (FEB 1806-1868)
|     +--Frances Hardesty  (1777-12 SEP 1864)
Lawrence James McKee  (21 MAY 1882-21 NOV 1955)
+--Mary Margaret Rife  (25 SEP 1853-12 SEP 1911)



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