The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

   +--Jasper Writer  (1740-15 NOV 1842)
+--Aaron Kortright Writer  (25 APR 1776-UNKNOWN)
|  |              +--Jan Bastiensen Van Kortryk  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |           +--Jan Bastiensen Van Kortryk  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |           |  +--Unknown Mrs. Jan Van Kortrijk  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |        +--Cornelius Van Kortryk  (1645-1689)
|  |        |  +--Mrs Jan Kortryk  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |     +--Laurens Cornelissen Kortright  (20 AUG 1681-15 APR 1726)
|  |     |  +--Metje Elyessen  (-1712)
|  |  +--Aaron Kortright  (1710-19 NOV 1789)
|  |  |  +--Margaret Bussing  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Eve Kortright  (21 JUL 1752-21 DEC 1830)
|     |        +--Claude LeMaitre  (1620-1683)
|     |     +--Isaac Delamater  (1658-3 DEC 1726)
|     |     |  +--Hester DuBois  (1 OCT 1625-1710)
|     |  +--John Delamater  (16 JAN 1687-1743)
|     |  |  +--Cornelia Everts Van Ness  (1663-1720)
|     +--Margaret Delamater  (1723-18 DEC 1790)
|        +--Annetje Waldron  (17 APR 1692-1753)
Benjamin N. Writer  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Elizabeth McKeeby  (13 SEP 1776-UNKNOWN)



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