The Generations of Thomas Pine Petznick



Thomas Pine Petznick

+--Charles Peter Bailey  (-UNKNOWN)
Murvill Clifton Bailey  (-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Archibald G. Robinson  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Andrew Alexander Robinson  (7 APR 1820-17 AUG 1907)
|  |  +--Druscilla DeHaven  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Viginia Best Robinson  (8 SEP 1858-2 FEB 1917)
   |           +--Jasper Cather  (1679-UNKNOWN)
   |        +--Robert Cather  (1709-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Jasper Cather  (1740-30 JUL 1812)
   |     |  +--Joanna Thurloe  (1710-1740)
   |  +--Thomas Cather  (15 SEP 1777-1 MAR 1832)
   |  |  +--Catherine Lawrence  (1750-1785)
   +--Mary Caroline Cather  (30 NOV 1830-14 MAR 1895)
      |  +--Conrad Glaize, Jr.  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Elizabeth Glaize  (3 SEP 1788-UNKNOWN)
         +--Mrs. Conrad Glaize Jr.  (-UNKNOWN)



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