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Rider Varnell - b:
September 19, 1782, New York
- d: July 7, 1883, Probably New York
Thompson, Sullivan County, New York census record for Henry Rider
Varnell. He was my 3rd great-grandfather. In my research I
found that over the years Henry's last name was often mis-spelled in
the census. Here is name is listed as Henry
Varnold. Henry is mentioned in the article
submitted by my great-grandfather Archibald
Pine in the History of Cass
County, Iowa, written in 1880. Henry and his family
are buried in
Rock Ridge Cemetery in Sullivan County, New York. |
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Sullivan County, New York census record for Henry Rider Varnell.
Varnell is spelled as Vinald in this census. |
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Sullivan County, New York census record for Henry Rider Varnell.
This time Varnell is spelled as Varnal. |
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Sullivan County, New York census record for Henry Rider Varnell.
This time Varnell is spelled as Varnel. |
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Sullivan County, New York census information for Henry Rider Varnell.
Again Varnell is spelled as Varnel. The actual census records for 1860 and
1880 (below) were unavailable however, these images provide good detail on
the source of the information. Unfortunately none of the family
members are listed. |
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Thompson, Sullivan County, New York census information for Henry Rider Varnell.
Here he is shown as being 90 years old and a widower. |
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Bailey Varnell - b: April 24, 1820, New York - d:
May 6, 1893,
Gilbert Varnell was the
son of
Henry Rider Varnell and Hannah Fields
Bailey. Left is the 1870 Thompson, Sullivan County, New York census
record for Gilbert and his family. |
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Harriet Caroline Varnell - b: September 4, 1826, New York - d:
May 18, 1887,
New York
Harriet Varnell was the daughter of
Henry Rider Varnell and Hannah Fields
Bailey and was my 2nd great-grandmother. She was married to
Newman Pine and the mother of
Archibald Pine. |
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 Left is a photo of the headstone of three of Harriet Caroline Varnell's siblings, Susan Janette, Hannah Emily and Henry Emory
Varnell. See the Family Tree Maker family information page on
the right for their specifics. They are buried in
Rock Ridge
Cemetery -Thompson, Sullivan County, New York. |
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