Petznick Family Photographs |
Karl Petznick -
b: Abt. 1817 (Germany or Prussia) - d: Unknown |
Left is the immigration record for Karl Petznick and his two sons,
Gottfried (Fred) and Karl (Charles). They came to America in 1872
from Germany. |
Charles Petznick
b: August 12, 1861 (Walden Buergh, Germany) - d: August 28, 1920 (Creston,
Iowa) |
My great-grandfather Charles Petznick and his half-brother Gottfried,
came to the United States from Germany, where according to the Cromwell,
Iowa City Directory in 1876, settled in Union County in 1872. Left
is a page in the directory listing Charles as a laborer. |

Here are listings in the Creston, Iowa City directory in 1893 (left) and
1899 (right), where they have misspelled our last name as Petzneck. |
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Census Records |
The 1920 census record for Charles Petznick in Creston, Union County,
Iowa, taken shortly before his death. |
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Property |
In May of 2001, I took a trip back to my home town of
Creston, Union County, Iowa. While there, I paid a visit
to the Court House there and took the time to look up whatever land
records I could on the Petznick family. Below is what I found for
Charles Petznick. The location of the properties in each township
map is designated by the following symbol. |
1909, Charles and Anna purchased land in Dodge Township in Union County,
Iowa. To the left and right are the deed and legal paperwork for
that purchase. |
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Left is a picture of Dodge township where Charles and Anna owned
land. To the right is the deed where it was sold to J.H. McKinnie
in 1919. The McKinnie family owns this property to this day. |
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In 1921 after Charles' death, Anna purchased land in Douglas township
from C.D. and Daisy Agnew. |
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Also in 1909, Charles and Anna purchased land in Highland Township. |
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in 1917, left is a picture of the home of Charles Petznick at 500
S. Elm St., Creston, Union County, Iowa. The
photo on the right shows a close-up of
great-grandmother Anna
Waltersdorf Petznick (standing right) and her
daughter Anna Petznick on the porch. |
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is the cemetery record for Charles Petznick.
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Left is a photo of the Petznick stone in Graceland Cemetery in Creston,
Union County, Iowa. Right is the headstone of Charles. |
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Albert Bruno Petznick -
b: December 03, 1888 (Creston, Iowa) - d: November 17, 1918 (Sidney,
Montana) |
is a picture of Bruno Petznick, my grandfather, at age
18. The picture on the
right is of his memorial. He died in the swine flu epidemic of 1918 at the age of 29 in Sydney,
Montana while homesteading there. |
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is a picture of the farm in Afton, Union County,
Iowa, taken in about 1913. Standing left to
right is Bruno Petznick, Kenny Petznick and
McKee Petznick, who is holding my father, Harold Jay
Petznick. |
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I visited my grandfather's grave for the first time in May of 2001, when
I returned to Creston. To the left of the stone is a flower pot
hand made by step-grandfather, Jacob
Wenzel. |
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Taken at an odd angle, left is a photo showing the position of the
headstones of
McKee Petznick (Wenzel) and Bruno Petznick. |
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Petznick children. Standing, left to right
are, Kenneth Kermit
Petznick, Harold Jay
Petznick and Harley
Charles Petznick. Seated left to
right are Elsie McKee Petznick and
Erna Celeste Petznick. |
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Petznick -
b: Abt. 1892 - d: Unknown |
is a picture of my great-aunt Rose Petznick. |
is the 1920 Census record for Payette County, New Plymouth Township,
Idaho for Rose Petznick, and her family.
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is the 1930 Census record for Multnomah County, Portland Township,
Oregon for Rose Petznick, and her family. She was married to
Albert Carpenter. Also listed is the
record for Anna Waltersdorf
Petznick, my great-grandmother. |
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Petznick remarried in later life to a Charles Bartenhagen. They
lived just outside of Boise, Idaho. Rose lived to be just shy of
102 years old. Left is her headstone. |
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is the Social Security Death Notice for Rose Petznick Bartenhagen. |
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Johanna E. Petznick
b: Abt. December 25, 1895 - d: Unknown |
Johanna Petznick was married to Henry Kientop (Kintop). Left is
the 1930 Union County, Iowa, Creston Township Census record showing
Johanna, Henry and one child. |
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Petznick -
b: October 1898 - d: Unknown |
is a picture of my great-aunt Anna Petznick taken on
the day of her confirmation in the German Church in
Creston, Union County, Iowa. |
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is a picture taken from the 50th Anniversary
Souvenir booklet for the St. John's Evangelical
Church of Creston, Iowa in 1928. It shows the
members of the church choir at that time. In
the back row, left to right are: Charlotte Birkner,
William Elftmann, Arline Pontow, Gottfried Birkner
(husband of Anna Petznick), Julius Strey, and Anna
Petznick Birkner. In the front row are:
Mrs. Lena Case, Marie Safris, Minnie Schultz (wife
of Carl Petznick), and
Helen Orth. |
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Carl Petznick - b:
August 28, 1902 (Creston, Iowa) - d: May 1, 1990 (California) |
is a letter I received in March of 1977 from Carl
and Minnie Petznick that provides some information
on the Petznick family. At right, is a post
script Minnie included with the letter. |
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is a picture of Harold, Minnie and Carl Petznick. In the photo on
the right is Carl, Pearl and Harold Petznick. Both were taken in
March of 1979. |
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is a picture of Minnie and Carl Petznick. In the photo on the
right is Carl and Harold Petznick. Both were taken in May of 1982. |
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Kenneth Kermit Petznick - b: April 16, 1911
(Afton, Iowa) - d: February 10, 1999 (Creston, Iowa) |
is a picture of Kenny Petznick taken probably around
the time of his High School graduation in the late
1920s. Right is a photo of Kenny in his army
uniform during World War II. |
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four days short of 65 years, here are pictures of
Kenny and Leona Kaster Petznick. Most likely
these were taken in the late 1930s. |
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Printing - A long-established business in Creston,
Iowa, was founded in 1934 by Kenny and Leona
Petznick. Left is a picture of Kenny and Leona
taken in 1955 in front of their new store on North
Elm street. Right is a card I received from
aunt Leona last Christmas. On the flip-side,
is a year 2000 calendar. Leona still works
there to this day. |
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Left is a photo of Petznicks Printing as it appears today. I took
this picture when I visited Creston in May of 2001.
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the years, Kenny Petznick was honored several times
for his devoted service and perfect attendance
record by the Kiwanis organization. Right is a
photograph of one of those honor days (probably in
the 1970s), as it appeared in the Creston News
Advertiser, Creston, Iowa. |
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is a picture taken on November17, 1992, the day of
my father Harold Jay
Petznick's funeral at his home in Tarkio,
Missouri. Left to right are: Pete
Petznick (son of Hal Petznick), Me,
Kenny Petznick, Hal Petznick,
and Brad Petznick (my
son). |
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photograph taken at the time of my father's funeral,
left to right are: Me, Mary
Louise Pine Petznick (my mother), Leona Kaster
Petznick, Erna Petznick,
Kenny Petznick and Hal
Petznick. |
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Kenny Petznick passed away on February 10,
1999. Left is the front page article that
appeared in the Creston News Advertiser in Creston,
Iowa. Right is his obituary that appeared in
the same paper. |
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Left is the headstone of Kenny Petznick in Graceland Cemetery, Creston,
Union County, Iowa. |
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Harold Jay Petznick - b:
December 14, 1912 (Afton, Iowa) - d: November 15, 1992
(Tarkio, Missouri)
father, Harold Jay Petznick (left, and the only time I ever saw him in a dress)
and his brother Kenneth Kermit
Petznick. This photograph was taken in
1913. It was used as an actual postcard sent by my grandmother
Elsie Fay
McKee Petznick. [see below]
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Left is a picture of my father at a family
gathering. It was taken sometime before 1925. |
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Here are pictures of my parents, Harold and Mary
Louise Pine Petznick, taken in the spring of
1947. |
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In 1946 my father Harold Jay Petznick built a house on the farm formerly owned by Jake
Wenzel and my grandmother, Elsie
McKee Petznick Wenzel. It is located in Section 8, T71N, Range
30W, Grant Township, Union County, Iowa. Our mailing address
growing up was RR#4. Now, thanks to new addressing, it's located
on 240th Street. |
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is one of my all-time favorite pictures of my Dad,
Harold Jay Petznick, taken at the Kansas City Royals
baseball stadium in about 1984. The picture (to me)
captures his spirit as I knew and loved it. Dad
loved baseball and we spent many hours watching,
listening and talking about the game over the
years. |
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is the funeral notice for Harold Jay Petznick, who
was buried on November 17, 1992, the same day
his father, Bruno
Albert Petznick died 54 years to the day,
earlier. |
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Left is the headstone for Harold Jay Petznick at Home Cemetery in
Tarkio, Atchison County, Missouri. |
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Celeste Petznick - b: September 16, 1914 (Afton,
Iowa) - d: December 23, 2001 (Springfield, Missouri) |
is a photo of Erna as a child, taken sometime in the 1920s. |
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is a picture of Erna Petznick and her 1st cousin,
Erma Fay Cornelison, daughter of Etha
May McKee, taken in the early 1920s.
Right is a picture of Erna in her High School
graduation gown, taken in 1932. |
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is a picture of Erna Petznick at the time of her
Bible School graduation in 1942. Right is a
picture of Erna at her desk at the Gospel Publishing
House in Springfield, Missouri, taken probably in
the late 1940s. |
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A Lifetime of service to the
Lord In 1941, Erna graduated from
SBS (Springfield Bible College in Springfield,
Missouri) and began a life of Christian
Ministry. She spent time in the mountains of
Eastern Kentucky before returning to
Springfield. In April of 1945, she met Ruby
Mae Enyart, who also was called to service for the
Lord. They formed what was to become a
lifelong companionship and Ministry. |
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In 1992, Erna and Ruby wrote their Memoirs and
published it in a book titled, "Can God
Furnish a Table in the Wilderness?"
The book tells of their lives, the many roads they
traveled and stories of those inspired through a
personal relationship with Christ. The photos
on the left and right are of the front and back
covers of the book. |
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Left is a picture of Erna in front of a cabin she
stayed at in Eastern Kentucky in the early
1940s. From 1946 to 1946 Erna and Ruby
operated a Religious bookstore on Main Street in
Fort Scott, Kansas. Right is a picture of Ruby
(left) and Erna in their store. |
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A large portion of Erna's contribution to their Ministry was playing music. Left is a photo of
Erna in her early days when she learned how to play
the accordion. (She still actively plays the
organ) In the late 1960s, Erna and Ruby were
co-pastors in a Church in Lovelock, Nevada.
Right is a picture of Ruby (left) and Erna that
appeared in the Springfield Gazette. It was
the winning float in the Penny Parade, which
raised money for the Assembly of God Church
ministries. |
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On his death-bed, my father, Harold
Jay Petznick found the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please take some time to read this touching article
about my Dad, written by aunt Erna. |
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Erna passed away on Sunday, December 23, 2001 at the Maranatha Lodge in
Springfield, Missouri. I am thankful that I was able to be there
for her for her last three days on this earth. Erna became a dear
friend and confidant to me these past few years and I will miss her
dearly. |
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Charles Petznick - b: December 5, 1917 (Richey,
- d: August 9, 1971 (Pomona, California) |
is a picture of Harley Petznick taken at a family
gathering in the early to mid 1920s. |
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is the birth certificate for Harley Petznick. If you notice, the
certificate has the state of North Dakota printed on top, however it was
crossed out and replaced by Montana. Harley was born in Richey,
Montana when my grandparents were homesteading there. |
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Harley Petznick served in the United States Army from 1941 to
1946. In this frame and the next are photos taken during that
time. |
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is a picture taken of Harley, Erna
Petznick and Elsie
McKee Petznick Wenzel at the farm of Jake Wenzel
(where I grew up) in the early 1940s. Right is
a picture of Harley in his back yard in Pomona,
California in the 1950s. |
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Uncle Harley passed away in 1971. Left is the notice of his death
in the Creston News Advertiser in Creston, Iowa. Right is his
death notice in a California newspaper. |
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Left is a photo of Harley's headstone at the Forest Lawn Mortuary -
Covina, California in the "Constant Peace" area. Right
is a picture of LaJuan Gunn Petznick's grave, also in Forest Lawn
Cemetery, Covina, California. |
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Lee Petznick |

Here are pictures of Lori Lee Petznick, the first-born daughter of Harley
Petznick |
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Harold Jay Petznick II |
On May 16th, 2001 I visited my brother Hal and his
family and got a chance to get acquainted with my
great nephews. Left is a picture of the entire
clan. L - R: Chris Pickett, Heather Petznick
Pickett, Chase Petznick, Pete Petznick, Angel
Petznick, Colby Petznick, Hal Petznick and Carol
Wahe Petznick. |
two peas in a pod, right is a picture of Hal and
Colby in Hal's dune buggy that Hal built from
scratch. Hal has taken it on several trips to
sand dunes in Oklahoma and Idaho. Hal gave
Colby and me a great ride over, around and through
their next-door neighbor's yard. It was fun! |
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Left is a picture of Colby and Hal sitting on the
trailer Pete uses to haul the tractor he uses at
tractor pulls. |
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Thomas Pine Petznick
(Me) |
is a picture of me (left) with my brother Harold
Jay Petznick II (Hal) and our mother, Mary
Louise Pine Petznick at the home of Harold
Jay Petznick in Tarkio, Missouri on the day of
his funeral on November 17, 1992. |
is a photo of my children taken on Christmas Eve 2002. Left is Jamie,
her husband Chris (Santa) and Brad. |
Here I am with Jamie's dog Rocky (left) and Oscar de la Cawood on the
right. This was taken on June 1, 2003. |
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Petznick |
in 1994 at their home in Fair Play, Missouri, right is a picture of Pam
when she was visiting Aunt Erna Petznick
and Ruby Enyart. |
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A proud and happy day, left is photo of Pam and her family taken
11/13/1999, when her son Brian received his Eagle Scout (Troup 601,
Upland, CA). Left to right are: Her husband Wes Mitchell, Brian,
Danny, Lara and Pam. |
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Right is a picture of Pam with Kenny and
Leona Kaster Petznick taken on August 10, 1994 on a visit to Creston,
Iowa. |
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Left is Pam with her step-mother, Evelyn Petznick and Debbie
Petznick Childs. This picture was taken in 1999. |
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is a photo of Pam's son Daniel Mitchell in his U.S. Army uniform taken
in 1999 while at home on leave from Korea. |
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The graduates. Left is a picture of Pam's daughter Lara Melissa
Mitchell taken at her high school graduation in Upland, California in
1998. Right is Pam and her son Brian William Mitchell taken at his
high school graduation in Upland, California in 2000. |
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Petznick |

Taken on their wedding day (April 28, 1984), left is a photo of Deb and
her husband Bob Childs in Alhambra, California. Right is a picture
of Deb and Bob taken in the fall of 2000. |
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Here are pictures of Deb's oldest daughter Stephanie. Left is her
school picture from 2000/2001 school year. The picture on
the right was taken in June of 2001. |
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Here are pictures of Deb's youngest daughter Monica. Left is her
school picture from 2000/2001 school year. The picture on
the right was taken in June of 2001. |
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Marie Petznick |
Left is my niece Heather's senior high school picture, taken in 1989. |
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Fredrick Petznick |
Left is a picture taken in May of 2001 at my brother Hal's in his dune
buggy. Left to right are, Colby Petznick, me and Pete. |
is Pete's senior high school picture taken in 1990. |
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Jay Petznick |
A very proud moment for me as a parent, was when
Brad graduated from Army National Guard basic
training at Fort Knox, Kentucky in March of
1997. The person with the
confused look is me. |
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My son's first picture, in his mother's womb.
This ultra-sound was taken with a Polaroid camera in
May of 1976, two months before Brad was born. |
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Lee Petznick |
Wedding - In July of 2002 Jamie married Christopher David Cawood
in Las Vegas, NV. |
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is a picture taken of Jamie on her 20th
birthday. Right is a photo of Jamie and me at
Christmas in 1998. |
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are a couple pictures of Jamie taken in 1999 after she purchased her
Senior Prom dress |
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 Two of my all-time favorite pictures
of my daughter, left is a picture of Jamie in her
volleyball uniform taken during her sophomore year
in High School in Albion, IN. Battered and bruised
after years in my wallet, right is a photo of Jamie
in her cheerleading uniform in front of Transylvania
University in Lexington, Kentucky taken in 1993. |
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Allen Petznick |
is a picture of Colby and his little brother Chase
Petznick, taken in December of 2000. |
is Colby Petznick with his parents, Pete
Petznick and Angel Ballew Petznick on his first
birthday. Right is a picture of Colby enjoying
his birthday cake with his Mom's help. |
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Anthony Petznick |
latest addition to the Petznick clan, left is a
picture of my great-nephew Chase Anthony
Petznick. Chase is the son of Pete
Petznick and Angel Ballew Petznick, grandson of Hal
Petznick and Carol Wahe Petznick. |
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is a picture of Chase with his big brother Colby taken at Easter, 2002. |
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